PinnedTime from the Quantum Entanglement PerspectiveWhat quantum has to say about time…Jan 8, 202315Jan 8, 202315
Pinned5 Books that changed my life.Since my childhood, I loved reading. Entering new world, imagining them was an escape from reality for me.Feb 12, 20235Feb 12, 20235
The Price of the Truth — Chapter 1An old, forgotten story about a man who helps his childhood friend in a fantastic world…Jan 144Jan 144
How I built my reading habit and how you can too?We read books to find out who we are.Dec 19, 202410Dec 19, 202410
What can we learn from 2018 Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize?2018 Physiology and Medicine Nobel Prize was awarded to two very well established gentleman named James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo.Nov 15, 20246Nov 15, 20246
Published inILLUMINATIONWhy is the Night Sky Dark?Before Albert Einstein was born.Nov 5, 20243Nov 5, 20243
“Keep silent or say something better than silence.”Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark) was intriguing and ignited my imagination.Nov 4, 2024Nov 4, 2024
Foundation of AI.2024 Nobel Prize has caused some controversy between public. It has been awarded to John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton.Nov 1, 20244Nov 1, 20244
Protein Unlocked.2024 Chemistry Prize was awarded to David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper for their contributions to how protein folds and unfolds…Oct 30, 20247Oct 30, 20247